Self-Direction is live for Ohio Home Care Waiver


Self-Direction is a method of receiving home and community-based services where the_x000D_
consumer is the employer. The consumer can have budget and/or employer authority. Budget_x000D_
authority empowers consumers to set the hourly rate for their self-directed caregivers and set_x000D_
budgets for goods and services. Employer authority empowers consumers to hire caregivers_x000D_
who they screen and choose.


Self-Direction was an option in some of the waivers prior to October 2024, but it was not_x000D_
an option at all in the Ohio Home Care Waiver. Furthermore, for the waivers where it was an_x000D_
option, it was not a true self-directed option. About a year and a half ago, the Ohio Department_x000D_
of Medicaid created a workgroup consisting of consumers, advocates, and providers to create a_x000D_
consistent model for self-direction across waivers. I have been a member of this workgroup_x000D_
since the inception.


Starting October 1, 2024, consumers on Ohio Home Care Waiver were able to enroll._x000D_
As a consumer of the Ohio Home Care Waiver and advocate for self-direction, I started the_x000D_
process of enrolling. Thus far, it has been a positive experience. I was able to complete the_x000D_
enrollment process online and “hire” my caregivers/PCAs online as well. The process is not_x000D_
over, but I am hopeful to have everything up and rolling by the end of October.


If anyone is interested in learning more about Self-Direction and how it may be_x000D_
appropriate for you, please do not hesitate to contact me at or by phone at_x000D_
(216) 389-0379.


Lisa M. Marn, M.Ed., PCA Program Contract/LTSS Supervisor