SIL offers a variety of individual programs, services, and supports to develop and enhance skills needed to address barriers to community living. All programs are based on identified needs and are highly individualized. While some services may have a nominal fee, the majority are free.
If you are interested in any of the services listed below, please complete the Services Referral Form. Please return the form to Shannon Monyak by fax at (216) 731-3083 or by E-mail at If you have any questions, please call Shannon at (216) 731-1529.
Independent Living Skills (ILS) Evaluation
An ILS evaluation assesses the consumers’ needs and abilities in order to live an independent, self-directed lifestyle. The evaluation helps staff and consumers identify areas to develop and strengthen, in order to increase their ability to participate in community life.
Independent Living Skills Training (ILST)
ILST helps consumers learn skills needed to maintain an independent lifestyle. Sessions are conducted one-on-one and in small groups on such topics as:
money management
meal preparation
social skills

These sessions are tailored to the individual needs and abilities of the consumer. ILST is paramount in allowing consumers to gain maximum control over their lives.
SIL’s ILST Lab includes computer stations and a mock apartment in which hands-on skills such as laundry, meal preparation, and housekeeping can be enhanced.
Peer Support
Peer Support/Consulting
SIL staff and trained volunteers with disabilities, provides support services to persons with disabilities, living successfully in the community. These vital support services teach individuals about options and choice. By providing options, information, encouragement, and support, consumers are better equipped to make informed decision on issues impacting their lives. It is not about doing everything yourself, but about making one’s own choices.
Peer Support Groups
Peer support groups are an opportunity for individuals with disabilities to learn from and support each other.

Abilities-R-Us is a support group that conducts group meetings in the community to discuss disability related issues of importance to our consumers. This is an opportunity for individuals with a disability to learn from and support each other in a support group setting. ARU meetings are held once monthly. Guest speakers are brought in periodically to present on meaningful topics.
More information about support groups is available on the Abilities R Us page.
Personal Care Assistance

Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) contracts with SIL to manage the consumer-driven Personal Care Assistance (PCA) Program. This program gives eligible individuals with disabilities the opportunity to employ and manage their own personal care assistants; and will reimburse the consumers with a predetermined hourly rate for a set number of hours per week. Priority is given to those who are employed, seeking employment, or in training.
SIL serves the entire state of Ohio.
Relocation Services
SIL staff assist program participants to seamlessly transition from a facility (nursing home, hospital, or institution) back into the community.
SIL staff work closely with individuals to help locate housing, work through the waiver application process, obtain personal documents, securing furniture and household items, and so much more.
Youth Abilities
SIL works with youth, ages 14-22, to gain skills needed to transition into the adult world of work, post-secondary education and community living.

Supplies for independent Living Equipment Program
The equipment program provides individuals with disabilities new or gently used items such as walkers, wheelchairs, canes, crutches, bedside commodes, shower chairs, incontinence supplies, and more. The goal is to help individuals who are not able to purchase or obtain equipment through their health insurance.
A physician’s prescription must be provided. Recipients must be able to arrange for items to be picked up and returned. Equipment is available on a first come, first served basis.
SIL accepts donations of new or gently used equipment.
More information on this program is available under the Supplies for independent Living Equipment Program page.