♦ SIL was awarded funding for the fourth consecutive year from Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD), to facilitate the Young Adult Council (YAC). This continues to be a statewide community led council; hands-on/internship approach providing young adults the opportunity to participate in a realistic policymaking environment. This program is facilitated by SIL’s Independent Living Specialist, April Shaw. Check our calendar for exact dates of classes! See testimony from current/past participants: YAC on the Direct Care Workforce Crisis

♦  SIL has a 95% satisfaction rating for individual services provided.  Surveys were conducted by a non-direct care staff member at the conclusion of services.  In addition, 93% reported the CIL assisted them in achieving their goals and 98% of closed consumers would recommend the CIL to friends/family.  When asked how SIL services will help in everyday life, the most common answer was “making my own decisions,” with “learning how to advocate for myself” and “living in my community” coming in second and third (respectively).

♦  SIL’s PCA program, which is a contracted service from OOD, the state rehabilitation agency, whereby PAS management skills training and supports are provided by the 3 full time PCA Specialists covering all 88 counties in the state of Ohio.  SIL is in the second year of contract to provide statewide coverage for this program.  This past year had 118 participants.

♦  SIL’s Supplies for Independent Living Program helps individuals obtain gently used or new items that were not covered by their insurance carrier.  Types of equipment included items such as wheelchairs, walkers, hospital beds and incontinence supplies.  175 items were distributed to 120 individuals in the last reporting year.  If you are in need of an item, please call our office and check out inventory!  A medical script is needed for all items.

♦  SIL was awarded funding from Association on Community Living (ACL) to expand the Public Health Workforce.  As a result, SIL also partnered with the Department of Health & Human Services (HHS) to distribute Covid-19 tests to individuals, families, community partners.  Over 12,000 tests were distributed this past year.

♦  SIL’s Supplies for Independent Living was awarded a grant from Community Fund Ohio to purchase bariatric incontinence supplies to add to the current inventory.

♦  SIL was awarded funding from Christopher Reeve Foundation to conduct nursing home relocation to individuals looking to relocate back into their community.

♦  SIL was awarded another 3-year accreditation from the Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities.

♦  SIL served over 300 individuals this past fiscal year, this number reflects participants that participated in core services. Over 1,000 were individuals or organizations looking for information and/or a referral.

♦  SIL continued partner in the Ohio Benefits Long-term Supports and Services program where Medicaid sends referrals of individuals who were interested in knowing more about their benefits, apply for benefits, see what additional benefits they could obtain in the county they resided in. For this project, we covered 5 counties and completed the questionnaires. SIL spent over 330 hours assisting 514 people with completing questionnaires in this reporting year.